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May 14, 2016

Spin Clean vs. GrooveWasher

Funky Moose Records sells 2 systems that claim to be "the ultimate LP cleaning solution", but which one do you choos...

Jan 15, 2016

New vinyl Friday releases for January 15th, 2016

New vinyl available for January 15th, 2016. Most of these titles are not added to the site yet, so please send an ema...

Dec 21, 2015

Funky Moose Records and used vinyl

For a while, I've been holding on to the format of selling only new vinyl. This kept things simple: 1 supplier, set p...

Dec 11, 2015

New vinyl Friday releases for December 11th, 2015

New vinyl available for December 11th, 2015. Most of these titles are not added to the site yet, so please send an em...

Nov 8, 2015

#SetupSunday - Week 45, 2015

Every week, I feature a vinyl setup from a reader on my site. This time, it's Frank Landry's turn. Frank is famous fo...

Nov 1, 2015

#SetupSunday - Week 44, 2015

Every week, I'm featuring a turntable setup from readers for #SetupSunday. This week, it's Dave Jansen's turn. The s...

Oct 25, 2015

#SetupSunday - Week 43, 2015

Every week on Sunday, I will feature a vinyl setup by either a customer or someone in the vinyl community. This week,...

Oct 18, 2015

#SetupSunday - Week 42, 2015

Every Sunday, I will feature a vinyl setup from members in the vinyl community. This is reddit user /u/Itchy_Koala's ...

Sep 29, 2015

The Vinyl Dictionary

I wrote this list for my personal blog, but I decided to copy and expand on it here. When I was getting into vinyl c...

Sep 25, 2015

Discogs to release official app

Discogs is the go-to website for vinyl lovers to look up releases and information about these releases. I use Discogs...

Jul 15, 2015

7 Vinyl blogs and vlogs you should know about

I'm hungry. Not for McDonalds, Subway or Taco Bell, but for more vinyl. I want to learn everything, even though I kno...

Jul 1, 2015

Album of the month: Muse - Drones

Muse is one of those highly underrated bands that can't really seem to get a solid footing in the North American ma...

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