Bert Henry - Position Is Everything (LP, Album, Used)
SKU: 2126037737-FAXLP 3002-JH5
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- Record: Good Plus (G+)
- Cover: Good (G)
- All records are visually graded. If you would like to see pictures of the actual album, please let us know. Record has a great deal of surface scratches, some of which are visibly longer, some scuffs, could use a cleaning. Sleeve has a great deal of seamwear, splitting along the bottom seam, worn edges, creases, additional wear along the opening seam, a sticker in the bottom, left corner, creases, some fading, ringwear.
Grading is done according to the Goldmine Standard.
- Label: Fax Record Company - FAXLP 3002
Track list
- A1: Bar Buddies
- A2: Supermarket Pick-Up
- A3: Anthony & Cleopatra
- A4: Queers & Rears
- A5: Ashes In A Fruit Jar
- A6: 15 Years Happiness
- A7: Bisexual
- A8: No Degenerates In Show Business
- A9: Going Down
- A10: Sex Relations
- A11: Man Without A Gun
- A12: To Kill A Man
- A13: The Queer Termite
- A14: The Mouse & The Giraffe
- A15: Mouse & Spouse
- A16: Elephant Shoot
- A17: Mother Is Spoiled
- A18: The Big Tail
- A19: King Of The Jungle
- A20: What Kills Elephants
- A21: Rooster Or Chicken
- A22: Wrestling
- A23: Hen Chaser
- A24: Pigeons In The Rose Bowl
- A25: The Queer Rooster
- A26: Mounted Monkeys
- A27: Glass In The Rat Hole
- A28: A Dog's Life
- A29: Pay Toilets
- A30: The Lost Tail
- A31: Dog Building
- A32: The Rich Dog
- A33: Nude At The Circus
- A34: Throw Something
- A35: The Exotic Dancer's Parrot
- B1: Batter Up
- B2: Go Home Honey
- B3: Sex Is Here To Stay
- B4: They Get You By The Room
- B5: Normal Sex Life
- B6: Lady Chatterley's Lover
- B7: Cold Shower
- B8: Marry For Money
- B9: Eating Out
- B10: Play In The Cracks
- B11: Three In A Bed
- B12: The New Position
- B13: Coming Home
- B14: Atomic Bra
- B15: Shorten The Stroke
- B16: Women Fade In The Stretch
- B17: Slippery Sarah
- B18: Girls Who Eat Oysters
- B19: Is Yours Raisin Too
- B20: Up With The Petticoats, Down With The Pants
- B21: French Riviera
- B22: The Senator & Secretary
- B23: The Greek Customer
- B24: Johnny's Teacher
- B25: Technical Bastard
- B26: The Clean Waiter
- B27: Nude On The Third Floor
- B28: The Silver Screw