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The Music Industry Comes Together for Blackout Tuesday

The Music Industry Comes Together for Blackout Tuesday

Outraged over the death of George Floyd, yesterday, many music industry companies and artists came together to host a blackout campaign across social media. The idea was to put up a black post with no words to show solidarity against the police brutality that occurred. While some posted a stark, black background, others took a more personalized approach.

 Image Credit: WMOT, for instance posted this message on their web site against a stark, black background, "The Recording Academy stands with our members, colleagues, creators and the entire music community as we observe 'Black Out Tuesday' on June 2. We will use this day to reflect, as we know we can all be better.


We recognize and embrace the responsibility that we all have in the fight against racial injustice. The Academy will join our colleagues in the music industry to make our voices heard as we commit to the long-term work required to drive positive change."


The Recording Academy also joined is suggesting specific ways to take action. Their post read, "Text FLOYD to 55156 to sign the Justice for George Floyd petition. Add your name to the Justice for George Floyd petition at Give to the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund. Donate to organizations like Color of Change, Minnesota Freedom Fund. Black Lives Matter, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Until Freedom."


MTV was another major music corporation to join in. They posted the following message at the top of their web site homepage "Black Lives Matter. Black Culture Matters. Black Communities Matter. Join @Colorofchange and countless others to call on public officials across the country to take real action. Text DEMANDS to 55156."


Several musicians also supported the effort. Mick Jagger, Katy Perry and Peter Gabriel were among the many rock stars who posted black squares along with the #theshowmustbepaused.


Before his black out post, Jagger released the following statement on social media on Monday. "It is heartbreaking to see America tearing itself apart again over issues of race. Tomorrow I stand with my fellow artists and observe Blackout Tuesday to combat racial discrimination and social injustice."


Katy Perry accompanied her black out post with this caption. “I try to live my life to answer the question, “How can I be of service?” I have spent the last few days watching, listening and reflecting about how to utilize my privilege and platform. I hope that #BlackoutTuesday gives us all (especially in the music industry) an opportunity to take what we’re learning and put it into action on Wednesday, and every day going forward. There are many ways to support the movement towards justice and equality. I’ve chosen to donate to the organizations tagged in this post. You can do the same at the link in my bio. This soon to be mother is going to work hard to make damn sure this world is a more just place for every child. Black Lives Matter


The blackout campaign was spearheaded by music executives Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang. It took off in a big way going beyond the music industry as countless celebrities, businesses and individuals filled social media with black squares. It is hopeful that this message will resonate in times to come.

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